MAY 1 - 31, 2021
Our theme for this year’s Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM) campaign is visibility.
The COVID-19 pandemic and rise in Asian hate crimes have revealed sobering truths about AAPI invisibility in this country. Despite being deeply woven into the fabric of NYC, our partner merchants, working-class families, and elderly citizens received the fewest resources to battle the unending inequities that beleaguered them this past year. Lack of financial relief, unemployment, and culturally insensitive food assistance programs have left AAPI folks asking themselves: “Well, what about me?” Throughout the month of May, Send Chinatown Love is directly addressing this through our APAHM Gift-a-Meal campaign. To honor the resilience of Chinatowns across NYC during APAHM, we’re committing $101,500 to fund Gift-a-Meal campaigns with 29 of our merchants. We will be distributing meals and non-perishable gift bags from small businesses in Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn to address food insecurity and support BIPOC communities throughout our city. This will be our biggest campaign to date and will simultaneously support our partner merchants while feeding community members in need. |
During this month, we have pulled in all 29 of our merchants to receive funds and contribute meals, non-perishable gift bags, and supplies to support our community.
We are honored to partner with distributors that will help us reach BIPOC, AAPI, senior citizens, and homeless communities across NYC. They are helping us address food insecurity across NYC while increasing accessibility to culturally appropriate meals.
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